Proefpakket gemixt
Word je graag verrast? Een Mixpakket is het ideale geschenk voor jezelf of een ander. Zes verschillende flessen wijn direct van de wijnboer
Cosimo Vestita
Abbazia San Giorgio
Arini Vini
Weingut Ellwanger
Mas de Rey
Rocca Rondinaria
Le Vie Angarano
Gli Archi
Cottini Marco
La Cavalière
De wijn komt direct van de wijnboeren, zij sturen de flessen ook eigenhandig op.
Wine purchased via Onwine comes directly from the winery.
All wineries pack the bottles themselves and hand them over to our shipping partner. Onwine works with boxes the size of 6 or 12 bottles.
To guarantee safe delivery, it is therefore also a requirement that orders are always made in multiples of 6 bottles.
The following shipping costs apply:
You can order from several wineries at the same time. The above shipping costs apply to each individual winery.